Friday, June 28, 2013

craft sale time!

Tomorrow's the day! My first craft sale (& my 30th birthday). I'm still very nervous about the whole thing (not the birthday) but I'm glad to be getting this first out of the way and I'm happy to be pushing myself out of my comfort zone a little bit. I think I'm all prepared, I just finished rechecking all my inventory and tags. It's all packed up and ready to go. I'll try to instagram some pictures tomorrow, follow me here if you don't already!

toy group shot

I've got a pretty good group of toys to take with me, I'm also taking along 5 baby blankets, some potholders and some dishcloths (made from my pattern here).

I said that I would share some of the information I found while browsing for craft sale help and I'm going to do that now. A lot of what I found is duplicated in so many places, which I found frustrating but there's really not a ton to know I guess. I did find some pictures while browsing pinterest too, not much though. Here's some good links to check out:

What to Bring to a Craft Fair

How to Create a Unique Craft Sale Table

How To Get Started Selling at Craft Fairs

Selling Your Animals & Craft Fair Chat - a thread on the FreshStitches ravelry board with a lot of good information.

Craft Show Tips from Kitty Baby Love

I hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and happy birthday. Loo king forward to hearing how you get on! Ex
