The third block I crocheted is called Framed Cables, not free but it's cheap and worth the price in my opinion. I tested this one before it was released early last year. I have no idea where that square ended up but I liked the pattern when I made it, so I decided to make it again. I'm really happy with how this one looks. I made it first with the cables in blue but it wasn't showing up well, so I ripped it out and started over with green.

For the fourth block, I used the Ric Rac Motif pattern. Again, not a free pattern but I got this when Sarah London was doing one of her pdf sales. This is a pretty simple pattern too and if you're experienced, it would be easy to recreate.

I'm sure blocks 5 & 6 will be showing up here soon, if I can keep up my momentum!
Thanks for stopping by today!