I have a pretty crazy amount of cotton in my stash, I just can't resist buying it especially when it's on sale! I really expected to be using it more because I was very into making potholders last year . But, I haven't made a potholder since
May 2012! I can't believe it's been that long, I just don't have the desire to be constantly making them right now. So, the cotton stash has gotten a bit out of control. Most of the cotton I have is
Bernat Handicrafter, there's a little bit of
Loops & Threads Cotton Club mixed in too.

I've decided to try to use it up by making a big colourful blanket! I'm calling it
Colour Punch. I'm using the
Grandala Square pattern for it. I love it so far, though there is one square I already don't love (I'm not pointing it out or I will
hate it!) but I think it will blend in after more squares are added. I'm expecting that it will be done before summer, I hope anyway, I think it will be a fun blanket to drag around during the holidays.