Thursday, October 06, 2011

make a hexagon potholder

fall hexagon potholder

I have made a few of these hexagon potholders, I really like them, they look good. I have gotten a few emails asking me how I make them, I've tried to explain it but I'm not sure if I ever get it written out right. So, I decided to take some pictures of the process and hopefully it will make sense. Also, I did not come up with this potholder, I've seen many potholders made like this out there.

First, you need to make 8 of these hexagons, you can use any hexagon pattern you want, that's just the one I use. I just make the centers first and then join them as I go, you could make the hexagons and join with slip stitch, sc, whip stitch, etc, if you wanted to. Next you want to join 4 of the hexagons into a circle.

hexagon potholder how-to
hexagon potholder how-to

After this, you join another hexagon to one of the "corners", the hexagon will fold in half and just fit there.

hexagon potholder how-to
hexagon potholder how-to

And then, you want to do the same on the other side. This one can be a bit trickier to join but it can be done!

hexagon potholder how-to

Do exactly the same for the other end of the potholder. Add a chain 11 to any of the corners for the hanger if you want one.

I hope that wasn't too hard to follow! If there's something written strangely, let me know and I'll try better to explain it.


  1. Awesome! I've always been curious as to how these were made. Thanks for taking the time to explain the process!

  2. Gracias por compartir, tenía dudas de como hacerla, y tu las solucionaste todas, un beso♥

  3. Wow, this is amazing. Well done and thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.

  4. Wow, I never would have thought of that, it's amazing thanks for sharing. Great photos

  5. This is great! What a nice idea, also nice for a gift. I am definitely going to make some.

  6. I desperately need to make some of these! My mom actually gave me some hand me down pot holders. It's really quite shameful. Hexagon pot holders is a great idea. Happy Sunday!

  7. LOVE this idea!
    I've awarded your tutorial the 'Shiny Hook award' on the Crochet Buzz segment of my blog!

    Post here:


  8. I've found my project for this afternoon! Thanks for the pattern :)
