I'm still reading Clockwork Prince this week, usually I gobble these books up but it's going slower than usual. I am really enjoying it but I'm not as into the characters in this series as much as I was with Mortal Instruments. I'm not sure what it is but I really don't care much that Will is sad, blah!

I finished a big heart pillow last night. I used the Navaho method again but with an extra thread of yarn mixed in this time. The heart ended up being just shy of 18 inches big! I used FreshStitches' free Valentine's Day Hearts pattern in the large size.
Next up with this method will be a teddy bear! But, I really need to rest up my arms before I take that on.

I just watched that Navajo tutorial and it is amazing! I've passed up many yarns because they were nearly thread like or just much lighter than I was looking for and didn't want the hassle of winding balls and knitting doubled. I'm going to give this a try.