Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Anthro inspired owl


You've probably seen this owl from Anthropologie before, it's so cute! I decided to make an owl in colors inspired by that cookie jar.

I'm really happy with this owl! I gave him a bow tie instead of trying to figure out how to put just a little bit of blue on his chest. I love the bow tie, it works well on him! The pattern is from Lisa's bat-bow, I left the ears off though. He's going to make his way into my shop one of these days, along with a few other owls I'm sure.


  1. Rewelacyjna sowa. Bardzo mi się podoba. To jest chyba sowa śnieżna.

  2. Adorable! I like the bow... it gives more personality!

  3. Tem coisas que a gente sente quando tem um amigo:

    *Uma saudade quando ele esta longe;
    *Um orgulho enorme quando ele faz sucesso;
    *Uma confianca cega quando ele esta por perto;
    *Uma alegria imensa quando ele manda uma msg;
    *Uma certeza infinita quando ele concorda;
    "Cultivar uma amizade e preservar a vida;
    Eu tenho muitos motivos pra ser feliz.
    Um deles e ter voce como amigo !!!

  4. Oh so fabulous! Please :D tell me you are going to make a pattern of it to share?! (free or for sale)

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