I was thinking of trying to have a sale next month sometime for Christmas toys and ornaments, to help pay for the oral surgery. Yes, I know it seems crazy early since Halloween hasn't even happened yet! Most of the customers I've had are all out of the country, so I want to get these things out before the huge mail rush! I'm just trying to see if there's any interest in it right now, so I don't make a ton of things that will just sit around! I think the sale will be held on my instagram page but I'm not entirely sure about specifics yet.
Before I do that, I decided to offer up a coupon code in my etsy shop, I'm also lowering a few prices. The code is 'SURGERY', just enter that before you order and you will get 15% off! I'll leave it active until September 30th!
In other news, I started a facebook page for my shop, It's Crochet. If you've been around for awhile, you know that I did have a page for my blog quite awhile ago but I deleted it because I just didn't have any interaction, so it seemed pretty pointless having it. A lot of people locally have been asking if I have a page for my shop, so I decided to open it up. I already got a few orders the day I published it, that was pretty exciting! I'm going to really try to post shop news there as often as possible. The only thing that still bothers me is the fact that they want you to pay to have your posts seen, it's pretty frustrating to say the least! But, hopefully it won't always be an annoying problem. Pop on over and like my page, there's very few right now! If you're not interested in placing orders through etsy, you can always message me there. Or of course by email ;)
Thanks for popping by this weekend! Hope your weekend is sunny and bright!