Monday, February 04, 2013

a monster case!

It seems like my blog has made a turn to become a "look at what I made" blog and I don't even know when that happened. It's actually starting to get on my nerves, I post so much less because it really does annoy me. I don't want to only blog about the things I've finished, it feels boring to me (and probably to you too!) but I haven't been able to get out of this rut. I will work on it though! I have a couple plans to help me work on it, I just need to get putting them into action!

Before I do that, I have another finish to share today (...). My son got a LeapPad2 (he calls it his iPad) for Christmas and I wanted to make him a case to stick it in. I actually finished everything but the lining the first week of January and then I let it sit until this morning. I didn't use a pattern to make it but I did use this cute knit case as a little inspiration.

monster leap pad case

It turned out pretty cute I think, it looks like a monster but also maybe like a fish?

I sewed white felt in as a lining using my wonderful hand sewing skills (not). I planned on using velcro as a closure but the case is quite snug and I don't see the LeapPad falling out of it easily, so I skipped that. My son is happy that I finally finished it for him though!


  1. I like seeing what you've done :) and this case is no exception ... so cute!

  2. An excellent congratulations for an excellent subject and an excellent blog !!!

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